Personal profiles are a great way to further your personal advertising goals whether you are creating a personal profile just to create new relationships or as a form of advertisement for your vocation, product or business. Your personal profile affords an opportunity to communicate things about your business or yourself that you would not be able to in most other formats. It allows creation of a type of cross-section of your business and products or services that will hopefully intrigue people who are potential customers or partners and allows them to learn more about you and hopefully makes them want to find out more about what you have to offer.
There are some basic steps that you'll want to follow when creating the usual social media, forum or other online profile although the types of profiles for more personal and less business oriented sites are a lot less formal. Regardless, of the venue, you’ll at least want to follow basic writer's guidelines as you're composing your piece. One thing to remember is to try to condense your information to the basic message as the most inefficient personal profiles are those in which the writer goes into far too much personal detail that diverts the reader’s attention and strains their ability to remember any of the information. It is unrealistic to assume that people want to read all of the non-business related facets of someone else’s life in an online business environment profile and it also shows that the author cannot prioritize their information or evaluate their audience.
In order to convey the most effective message about a product or service you may need the help of a thesaurus to help you choose the words that most clearly state what you wanted to share in the first place and do it accurately. Consider the adjectives you’re using so that so that you don’t fall into the trap of using tired and worn out cliché phrases. Select single words that will sell or promote and choose specific terms and give specific examples, not generalizations. Try to use power words and action verbs carefully and don’t overdo it or your profile risks looking too artificial and not genuine enough. Say what you need to get your message across and leave it at that. Later, when questions or comments arise, you will have the opportunity to go into more detail and expand the minutiae of any venture you are promoting. Keep in mind that writing the entire profile is usually easier if it is done in an outline format to begin with. The finished profile will simply be an expanded version of the outline, but it will be much easier to both initiate and complete your profile if you begin with an outline version.