Every business, service or anyone with a commercial-oriented website should take advantage of the free directory opportunities that are available to include your business in local and online listings. Any list of free website directory listings is constantly changing as there is always a revolving combination of directories available online today, many are older and well established sites, some are new ventures and others are being added to the Internet daily.
One thing that is very important when searching for a good free directory to list your website is finding those that are search engine optimization (SEO) friendly and will work with webmasters to maximize their online advertising and search engine optimization efforts. Although some of the directories that have been online for a while may have strict listing standards and slow website submission approval policies that can take months to review the submission requests they receive, there are many others that are more relaxed and will review and list your website quickly. Many of the free web directories out there are now capable of accepting deep links and multiple URLs too.
A good directory will provide free or very affordable submission services and deliver full reports on each project. The directories allowing multiple links and listings can be very helpful for webmasters with multiple sites to manage that don't have the time to submit each site to each directory one at a time. The list of free online advertising resources is constantly changing on the Web today, and you should look for those that provide valuable internet marketing resources for both the SEO professional and the novice internet marketer as well. The fact that these directories are free internet marketing resources does not diminish their usefulness in any way, and most can help improve the effectiveness of every online advertising project.
To help you get started, here is a list of 25 good directories that can help strengthen nearly any serious internet marketing effort:
1. EziStreet.com
2. Business Finder Directory
3. Z Directory General Web-Directory
4. Sublime Link Directory
5. SEO Air View Directory
6. All Time Web Directory
7. Business World Directory
8. Answer Spots Directory
9. Smart Web Directory
10. Directory Submit SEO
11. Add Link List Directory
12. Impact Directory
13. The Daily Submit
14. eDom Free Web Directory
15. Link Back Directory
16. Operation Up Link Directory
17. The A-Z Directory
18. Archivd Web Directory
19. Link and Think Directory
20. ESG Site Directory
21. Best Linkz Web Directory
22. Best Directory 4 You
23. Open Directory Project
24. RedLinker
25. Prime Backlinks Directory